

Hi I’m Rob,

It may be unpopular to admit, but I’ve always enjoyed arguing with people on the internet. I don’t mean feverishly typing out my opinions only to quickly dismiss or ignore what others type back to me. I mean settling in for a productive and civilized conversation with someone who just straight up disagrees with me. But over the last couple of years I’ve noticed an unfortunate pattern that wastes a lot of my time.

I’ll be having a good back and forth on Facebook or Twitter, then somebody else pops in who also disagrees with me. Now I have to re-present my arguments and counterpoints to that person. Then another person pops in and I have to repeat myself again and again and again.

Now this may not sound like a big deal, but at this point in my life I’ve probably spent hundreds of hours repeating myself on the internet and I just don’t wanna do it anymore.

So I created IAmNotTheNews, a place for me to curate my thoughts on society, race, nerd culture, existence, gaming, film, politics, comedy, religion, whatever!

